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We believe every Christian should belong to a local church and take ownership of that church. We call the highest level of buy-in ownership instead of membership because members have privileges but owners have responsibilities. Being a member carries a connotation of, “What will you do for me? I pay my dues, you give me something I want - transaction complete."
At Searchlight we don’t live for transactions, we live for life change. Owners take responsibility for what they do - they invest. Owners care about the process and the end result. We believe every Jesus-follower should belong to a local church and take ownership of that church. Ownership expectations at Searchlight includes being in a life group, serving, attending Sunday service, giving, and helping us reach people far from Jesus. The Bible is very clear that we are all one body. Ownership is committing to the other parts of the body that we are all working together to help reach and teach people to live and love like Jesus.
Ownership requires a class where you will learn the 7 core values our church lives by and how they shape our vision, mission and direction.
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